How to act to help refugees in 2023 ?
Would you like to contribute to sports coaching with ESF Paris but also get involved in other areas?
Are you not necessarily a sports or football fan but would still like to get involved with refugees and support them through this difficult period?
Here are some other ways in which you could get involved:
1 - Educational support and language courses
2 - Distribution of basic necessities
3 - Legal support
4 - Help with administrative formalities
5 - Help with finding accommodation
6 - Introduction to digital tools
7 - Help with finding a job
8 - Medical care and counseling
9 - Interpreting and translation to support refugees
10 - Running cultural and leisure workshop
What NGOs are there ?
Amnesty International: Campaigning for human rights worldwide
Atelier des Artistes en Exil : Supports artists in exile, offering them a working space and visibility in the region.
BAAM, Bureau d'Accueil et d'Accompagnement des Migrants: provides legal support, French lessons and socio-professional integration for migrants
La Cimade: provides legal and social support for migrants
La Cloche: Combats the exclusion of homeless people and recreates social links
Femme de la Terre : Provides social and legal support to foreign women / women who have part of their family abroad
Médecins Sans Frontières : Apporte une aide médicale et humanitaire aux personnes isolées, vulnérables ou exclues des soins
Médecins du Monde : Apporte une aide médicale et humanitaire aux personnes isolées, vulnérables ou exclues des soins
Secours Catholique - Caritas France : Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités en France
Team du Coeur : Vient en aide aux migrants délaissés dans les campements nord parisiens
Utopia 56 : Encadre le bénévolat auprès des migrants (organisation de maraudes, distribution de repas...)
La Voix des Femmes : Apporte de l'aide sociale et scolaire aux femmes vulnérables, en favorisant l'émancipation